Certification of Italian as a Foreign Language

Authorized Exam Centre No. 605

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What is CILS?

CILS is an officially recognized qualification that attests the degree of linguistic-communicative competence in Italian as L2.

CILS is the first certification of Italian to have adopted the system of six levels of linguistic-communicative competence proposed by the Common European Framework of Reference of the Council of Europe to have created specific certification modules for workers of foreign origin in Italy.

Which are CILS levels?

Each CILS level is autonomous and complete: the certification of each level declares a degree of communicative ability appropriate to specific social, professional and study contexts.

See the details for each CILS level in our table.


A1 Level


Exam dates CILS 2022

(Adults module in Italy, adults module abroad, children module, teens module)


A2 Level


Exam dates CILS 2022

(Adults module in Italy, adults module abroad, children module, teens module)


B1 Level

CILS B1 citizenship | CILS 1 – B1

Exam dates CILS 2022


B2 Level


Exam dates CILS 2022


C1 Level


Exam dates CILS 2022


C2 Level


Exam dates CILS 2022

Who is CILS for?

CILS Certificate is addressed to all those who study Italian and/or work in contact with Italian realities.
In order to take CILS exam, it is not necessary to have particular qualifications, but only a knowledge of the Italian language corresponding to the parameters indicated for each CILS level.
It is also important to have a knowledge of European society and culture, as well as general knowledge of Italian geography, history and culture.
Young people and teenagers can also take the CILS Level ONE and Level TWO tests, but these are not suitable for primary school children. For them, special certification modules have been created for Level A1 and A2.

Why take CILS exam?


To enter the world of work


To teach Italian to foreign students


To apply for several Italian universities

How to enrol and prepare CILS with Language Point?

  • If you want to attend a preparation course for CILS with one of our native teachers, contact us..
  • If you want to sit CILS exam at Language Point, please download and complete the enrolment form, then send it via e-mail to our offices together with a photocopy of your ID/Passport.
  • Here you can access all of the dates for next CILS sessions: Exam dates CILS 2022
  • For more information, please contact our Exams Office (  T 02 29521559 – 02 87387922).

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